Arzt / Heilberufler suchen

Dr. med.
Bianca Knoll

Facharzt für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie
Savignystraße 61, 60325 Frankfurt am Main Westend-Süd
4.9 ★★★★★ - 12 Empfehlungen

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Informieren Sie hier Ihre Patienten umfassend über Ihre Person und schaffen Sie damit Vertrauen. Berichten Sie hier warum Sie gerade Plastische Chirurgin wurden und wodurch sich Ihre Behandlung von der Ihrer Konkurrenten in Frankfurt am Main unterscheidet.
Sie sind Dr. Bianca Knoll?
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Zur Person

Dr. med. Bianca Knoll

Dr. med. Bianca Knoll

Fachrichtung: Facharzt für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie

Jahre Erfahrung: keine Angabe

Ausbildung: keine Angabe

Sprachen: Deutsch,

Mitgliedschaften und Auszeichnungen:
keine Angabe

Meine Behandlungsschwerpunkte

Behandlungsschwerpunkte sind die Kernkompetenzen Ihrer Praxis. Sie besitzen beispielsweise einen Mastertitel (M.Sc. - Master of Science) in einem oder mehreren Fachgebieten? Dann ist hier der ideale Ort Ihre Patienten schnell und umfassend über Ihre Expertisen zu informieren.
wie ist der Ablauf einer Behandlung bei Ihnen? Welche Voraussetzungen müssen gegeben sein?
bieten Sie auch metallfreie, absolut biokompatible Werstoffe und welche Vorteile besitzen diese?
Überzeugen Sie mit ihren Spezialisierungen: zB. der Anzahl erfolgreich durchgeführter Behandlungen (Ihre Fallzahlen)
oder neuesten Untersuchungsmethoden und Diagnoseverfahren, die in Ihrer Praxis zum Einsatz kommen
und vieles mehr ...

Sie sind Dr. Bianca Knoll?

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Bewertung:  4,9 von 5 aus 12 Empfehlungen

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Dr. Bianca Knoll bewerten

Empfehlungen für Dr. Knoll in Frankfurt am Main Seite: 1 von 1

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(Privatpatient / Alter: 25 - 49 / Bewertung: (5,0 von 5) )



Great treatment. I feel like I couldn"t have found a better person to do my surgery. She is kind and takes all the time you need to help you. She is very accessible to you at any time before and after the procedure. I would highly recommend her to anyone I knew.

(Privatpatient / Alter: 25 - 49 / Bewertung: (5,0 von 5) )



Dr. Knoll is a doctor who has been educated and trained in the US and uses methods of performing procedures that are the most current and endorsed by the American Association of Plastic Surgeons. She is also fluent in English (of course German, too). This was important to me. I had a breast reduction and the method still utilized by many plastic surgeons in Germany is a method that cut across the entire bottom of the breast leaving more scarring. Dr. Knoll explained both methods, and that she only uses the one that cuts from the nipple to the base of the breast. This leaves minimal scarring area. Of course, everyone scars differently so some scars may be more visable than others, but at least its a line down under the breast instead of all across the bottom and into your cleavage area. If you were self-conscious before, imagine having such a scar! She is a jovial person and I was smiling and laughing before the procedure and she put me at ease. I felt I was in such good hands I was never worried. She also brings some equipment of her own to the hospital to ensure you have the best care (ex. special socks you wear to prevent clots). I did loose sensation in my left nipple, which is a possible side effect. Even if I knew I would have lost feeling, I would have still gone through with the surgery. I am very happy with the results and I feel that I was so fortunate to have come across Dr. Knoll.

(Privatpatient / Alter: 25 - 49 / Bewertung: (5,0 von 5) )



Everything perfect - Dr. Knoll is highly recommended !

(Privatpatient / Alter: 25 - 49 / Bewertung: (4,7 von 5) )



My surgery went so well. Dr. Knoll was very friendly and always answered all my questions. My post op results are better than I thought and now I just wish I didn\"t wait so long to do it. I am so happy now and I owe all that to Dr. Knoll.

(Privatpatient / Alter: 25 - 49 / Bewertung: (5,0 von 5) )



Dr. Bianca Knoll is professional and amazingly talented. I recommend her highly!!

(Privatpatient / Alter: 25 - 49 / Bewertung: (5,0 von 5) )



I had a wonderful experience with Dr. Knoll. She provided all the time that I needed for her to explain different options as well as the trade-offs for each. She made sure that I knew everything that was going to happen. Her aftercare has been just as thorough. She has truly demonstrated that she cares about the patient after the procedure just as much as before. And I couldn"t be any happier with the results. Even though it"s only been a couple of weeks since my procedure, I can see what a wonderful job she did. She truly offers the best service and has the best credentials of any plastic surgeon in the area. There is just no comparison.

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